Barrels of Tokaji (Kiralyudvar Winery, Hungary)

Kiralyudvar Winery, Tokaji, Hungary, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Királyudvar is one of the best wine producers in Tokaji (or Tokaj, or Tokay). It is owned by Anthony Hwang, a Filipino-Amercian (who is also the majority owner […]

The tractor garage, Disznoko Winery, Tokaji

Disznoko Winery, Tokaji, Hungary, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Disznoko Winery, or as it is written in Hungarian, Disznókő, is one of the “new wave” winery in Tokaj (or Tokay, or Tokaji), developed to a large extent […]

Eger underground (Tibor Gal winery, Hungary)

Tibor Gal GIA winery, Eger, Hungary, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine — This is only a selection of samples. Use Image SEARCH to find more photos — Tibor Gal was a pioneer in the Eger district in Hungary. Eger is a provincial town in Hungary about an hours drive east of Prague. These […]