An unusual Burgundian coat of arms in a French magazine

This coat of arms is placed in a vineyard in Burgundy to indicate that this specific vineyard is the property of Les Hospices de Beaune, the organisation that also runs the annual wine auctions in Burgundy. The picture was recently licensed to a French magazine. [box type=”info”] All images are available for licensing for publication […]

Would you like to share a glass of beaujolais over lunch?

Restaurant La Maison des Beaujolais. Beaujolais, Burgundy, France – Beaujolais, Burgundy, stock photography samples, by Per Karlsson, BKWine. THIS IS ONLY A SELECTION OF SAMPLES. Use the image SEARCH function to find more relevant photos. Beaujolais, the southern-most tip of Burgundy. Tip is perhaps the wrong word, since it produces the largest volume of Burgundian […]