Our photo library contains many tens of thousands of pictures on wine, vineyards, wineries, travel, gastronomy, restaurants, food and other subjects, from our travelling across many countries, France, Italy, Sweden, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Croatia, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Moldova, New Zealand, Chile, Austria and many more countries.
Wine Photography – on vineyards, wineries, winemakers, wine cellars and wine regions. Be it beautiful landscapes from some of the world’s most spectacular wine countries or technical photography on the machinery used to make wine or the soil types of the terroir. But also Travel Photography – from many exciting destinations around the world.

The death of Amazon as a photo backup solution
Amazon Drive has been an excellent solution for off-site on-line photo backup and storage. It’s part of the Amazon Prime package that also includes free

Getting a cookie banner and making the site GDPR compliant
This article describes my effort to implement GDPR and appropriate privacy, including the famous “cookie banner”, on our web sites. (Not yet implemented on our

Converting an existing Elementor site to using Theme Styles, hard work but good for performance?
Elementor recently introduced a “global theme” function. This means you can set global defaults for e.g. fonts, sizes, images, colours and other things. This is

Improving the speed and load time of a WordPress site with performance plugins
Web site performance, the speed at which your site shows the pages to the visitor, is extremely important today. It is one of the ranking

Shapes and forms in Oriente in Lisbon
A while back I had a few hours to spend in Lisbon. I was staying at a hotel in the part of the city called

Beautiful drone footage from South Africa
One of our activities is that we organise wine tours, wine tours all over the world. One of our destinations is the South African wine

Christmas present from the Wine Spectator
Just in time for Christmas a little “gift package” arrived in the mail. It was a big white envelope with two copies of the latest

Using Amazon Prime (Premium) “unlimited” for photo backup and archiving
Earlier this year Amazon announced “unlimited storage of images” for subscribers to their Amazon Prime service. (Prime is called “Premium” in some countries.) Amazon Prime

Unlimited photo storage online from Photoshelter (and Amazon)
Organised backup is one of the fundamental, basic, sine qua non, must-have, obligatory things you must have sorted out as a photographer. Was that clear

Featured and interviewed on the Daminion blog
Daminion is a DAM software that I discovered quite a while back following an article I wrote here on DAMs (digital asset management systems). It

Know your rights. Your copyrights
Copyright is one of the basic pillars of any photographer’s business. Without it anyone and everyone could use your pictures without any restraints. Copyright essentially

Is there a future for DAM systems? Yes.
This blog seems to have turned into a discussion forum for DAM (digital asset management system) users. I don’t mind that, since this is an

“How I found my best Digital Asset Management (DAM) system” | Guest Post
Digital Asset Management software selection Mike Briggs is a London based photographer with a particular interest in travel photography, reportage and street photography. Mike needed

What DAM system do you use? (poll)
I thought it would be interesting to see what DAM (Digital Asset Management) system people use, following all the discussion about it here. So here’s

Features and Functions that my Digital Asset Management System (DAM) should have
Here’s a detailed overview of functions and features that I would like to find in a Digital Asset Management System (DAM). This is a follow-up